Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I've listened to podcasts in the past. Some of them are pretty fun. The place I often go to listen is npr.com. They always have audio clips to listen to. All of their articles are available in audio clips, which is sweet. I've considered podcasting now and then, but I never like the sound of my voice when it's been recorded. Something about sounding like a dork...

I tend to not listen to that many podcasts, since I'm usually into listening to music when I'm at the computer. That, and I'm often writing, which is harder to do when you're listening to someone else gab, since the words create non-elastic collisions within my cortex, and I lose consciousness. Which is bad.

Not all podcasts are just talking. Some of them contain music. For instance, Century Media, a small record label that features music that makes little kids cry and old people go into cardiac arrest, has a podcast that talks about their new releases and plays songs. It's basically like a radio show, straight from the label.

As to the place (amongst the options in the learn/lib/2.0 site), I liked best, I liked podcast.net. It seemed to have the best way to find stuff. Merrh?

I'm acutally listening to a podcast.com deal now. It's about geek stuff, which means I'm right at home.

And...we're out.

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